Here at the Children's Advocacy Center, we believe that education is the key to child abuse prevention. Our goal is to raise awareness throughout our community on the importance of preventing, recognizing, and reporting child abuse.
It will take all of us working together to end child abuse. Sign up for a training today!


Monique Burr Prevention Education Programs are comprehensive, evidence-based and evidence-informed primary prevention programs that educate and empower youth with Safety Rules and strategies to prevent, recognize, and respond appropriately to bullying, cyberbullying, the four types of child abuse (physical, emotional, sexual, neglect), exploitation, and digital dangers.
Child Safety Matters
Elementary School
2 sessions
(35 minutes each)
Teen Safety Matters
Middle School and High School
2 sessions
(55 minutes each)

This training provides age-appropriate videos and activities to help teach students to be aware of potential risks online and how to prevent victimization by making safer choices both on and offline.
Elementary, Middle School and High School
1 session
(35 - 55 minutes)
Stewards of Children is a child abuse prevention curriculum that focuses on educating adults, as ultimately it is the responsibility of adults to keep children safe. This two-hour workshop contains three main sections, including video commentary by adult survivors and experts in the field.
Child-Serving Professionals and Caregivers
2.5 hours
RESPOND, PROTECT, PREVENT: The Role of a Mandated Reporter
This curriculum educates child-serving professionals and other mandated reporters on the basic issues of child abuse, how to recognize physical and behavioral signs of the varying forms of child abuse, how to recognize grooming and predatory behaviors, and how to make a report.
Child-Serving Professionals/
Mandated Reporters
2 hours
2.0 CEU available through the Texas Education Agency and the Arkansas Department of Education

NetSmartz for Parents and Caregivers
This training will provide parents and caregivers with knowledge of the risks associated with internet use and expert tips to empower their children to be safer online.
1 hour